Founder@ Interview
With Catherine Wilkins
“Whatever you do, do it as a direct expression of Who You Truly Are because that way you can’t lose. It may not work out exactly as you’d hoped but when you work from your own essence the very least you’re left with is a stronger sense of self and greater personal understanding, which means whatever you do next will have a greater chance of succeeding in the world.” – Catherine Wilkins
Today we feature Catherine Wilkins, the founder at The Institute of Fractology Pty. Ltd.. We hear their story in their own words, their successes, their challenges and their insights.
Let’s start by getting to know you. Can you please tell us a little bit about you and what you do?
I grew up as the intuitive cuckoo in a scientific nest. It took me years to find a way for both sides of my brain, my left-logical side and my right-intuitive side, to work together without constant arguments in my head. What I discovered in my quest for mental peace was a system that enables intuition to be both logical and systematic. Intuitive logic is a pattern-based system of alignment, rather than the right/wrong logic of our schooling and reductive science, but it works consistently and has tremendous benefits for well-being, health, innovation and creativity.
The Institute I founded trains people in this system, as well as providing individual healing and coaching sessions. The transformations I’m privileged to witness through my work are both inspiring and humbling. It’s amazing to think that a system I developed to overcome a personal issue has gone on to help thousands of people transform their lives, achieve their potential and realise greater levels of joy than they ever thought possible.
You can read more about this system and how to develop it for yourself, in my book, (published by Hay House International) The Soul’s Brain: the Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition.
A great introduction and start to this interview. Can you please tell us, how did you start, from what age, and what made you decide to change direction and start?
As I said, I started with the need to resolve the apparent conflict between the internal truths which my intuition knew with the external truths my logic understood. The system of Fractology, which I founded, was what grew out of what I learned in my research while I was on that personal quest.
But if I had to pick a particular moment in which I realised there was a need to expand the system I was developing it was when I was working as support-staff on a personal development course. I don’t know if you’ve ever done that kind of work but it can be stressful at times. My interactions with another woman ended up with my saying, “Will you just get into your integrity, please?” She looked at me in genuine confusion and said, “What’s my integrity?” The shock of that moment was profound for me.
It was two-fold; I’d always had a sense of my own integrity and had never really clocked the fact that others mightn’t have that awareness, and I also realised I had no way of explaining to anyone who didn’t know what integrity was. In that moment I realised I needed to find a way to explain it so that others can get the simplicity and power of it.
So many people treat integrity like an add-on-extra, as if it’s something you do if you’ve got extra time. That’s such a limited, confused view of what integrity is. Integrity means you’re working in alignment with your own pattern. That means all your choices and actions will increase the strength of your internal alignment.
It means each and every thing you do will strengthen the pattern of your life so there’s always inherent alignment between it all. That’s how you build up momentum and effectiveness over time to have a huge impact on the world. That’s what Fractology gives you, which you can read about in my book, The Soul’s Brain.
Thank you for that insight. So can you tell us…What does your business do and where is your company based?
As I mentioned, we provide training in systems-based and pattern-based thinking as well as the practical skills of integrity and conscious intuition. We do that for students who wish to learn the entire Fractology system as well as coaching those who want only specific skills which pertain to their areas of expertise. We work with businesses as well as individuals to provide coaching and training for increased well-being, integrity and the practical benefits and skills of conscious intuition. You can read more about what we do in The Soul’s Brain: the Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition.
I live in Australia, so not surprisingly, that’s where the company’s based. However, we have students from all over the world as Fractology is a skill that can be taught at a distance. We now have practitioners in Australia, New Zealand and Brazil. We also have students in Singapore, Sweden, and Belgium so we’re hopeful of having students in more countries as time goes by, especially now that some of our practitioners have developed their skills to the point they’re able to undertake the Masters course, which is the teacher training. So the business is based in Sydney, Australia, but we do operate worldwide. We’re working to get the training more online but that’s still in the pipeline.
What’s the story behind your success? What led to your aha moment? how did you get to where you are now?
You may be aware of Aboriginal dot paintings but they’re not the only style the desert peoples have. Some of their other paintings look like many different horizontal layers of colour. It comes from walking across the desert landscape seeing one horizon after another. I’d love to tell you I had some grand plan when I set out but really it was more like a banded painting; one expansion after another. I followed my conscious intuition from one horizon to the next.
Each one meant greater expansion for me and my work. There’s been tough times – including one time when I nearly walked away from the whole thing – but each time my integrity would bring me back to the work and my conscious solutions would eventually find the solutions I needed to keep going.
When you do work that grows out of your own journey it’s not always clear if what you discover is for you alone (if it’s what I call Catherine-weirdness) or if it’s of benefit to others as well. I was okay with it only working for me. I could continue to work as a veterinarian and a chiropractor, but if I was going to turn my Fractology system into a business it had to work for others as well.
Realising the principles of my work, contained in my book The Soul’s Brain: The Neurology and Logic of Your Intuition, really do work for others was the next profound ah-ha moment. The one I’d like to share here was when I was working with a client who was going through significant relationship difficulties.
The effect on his business was why he’d sought me out, but the aha moment came for both of us when he realised the benefits of passing on what he’d learned about his integrity from Fractology to his children. They’d been going through all the usual teenage-angst, intensified by the difficulties in his marriage. He used what he’d learned and saw them start to thrive, even as his business did.
For me, that meant the compounding effect of my work starts really early on in the system. People don’t need to learn the whole Fractology system to really get the benefits. They only need to get the principles.
Thank you for sharing that. What’s been your life’s biggest lesson so far?
So many lessons. I think the biggest ones are in communication of my work. When you’re working with such large concepts, like integrity and conscious intuition, it can be difficult to communicate the practical day-to-day value of the work. For years this was a constant source of frustration for me.
Knowing the value of your work yourself is a great start but if you want to build a business other people need to be able to understand and perceive the value of it in their own lives. There is a growing awareness of the importance of integrity, but how many people really understand the benefit of it? And if they don’t understand the benefit, why would they put in the effort and time to learn how to live an integrity-based life? However, when I speak to people about their inner conflict they begin to understand. When I explain that living an integrity-based life means all your different aspects are aligned which means the internal conflict is gone, they begin to understand.
Moreover, the internal alignment of integrity which removes that internal conflict and creates inner peace enables us to build more and more momentum in our lives because there isn’t a part of us that’s hanging back. Every part of us is on the same page, playing the same game. It took me years to get to a point where I could explain integrity simply so people got it. The main thing that helped was asking others what they got from the different things I tried. In other words, if you want others to get the value of what you’re doing you need feedback from others about how you’re communicating.
Without that, you’re just off doing your own thing, which is great in its way but that’s not a business. It can take work but it’s so necessary to get your huge, magnificent vision down to practical day-to-day concepts. If you don’t, you run the risk of being the only person who gets the value of what you do. If you read The Soul’s Brain you’ll read all about the practical value of integrity and also conscious intuition and how to get it for yourself.
I’m one of those terrible people who will often flick to the end of a novel to find out if I want to keep reading it or not. If I don’t like the ending I give myself complete permission to put the book aside. I know a lot of people hate spoilers, and I get that, but for me purpose and intention are so important so I want to know if I can get onboard even with the purpose of a story. Although don’t do that with The Soul’s Brain because that’s not a story book anyway.
If you were to go back in time, what piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
One of my friends said to me years ago that our genius is the thing that got us into most trouble when we were young, and so it’s proven to be with me. When you grow up in a science family you’re expected to be able to explain how you know the things you know. My intuition in those days was very active but not conscious in the sense that I wasn’t clear on how I was getting my intuitive understandings.
That was bad enough but combine that with a tendency to speak too much of the truth, at too many of the wrong moments, and you have a recipe for trouble. I tried for years to suppress that side of myself, because I thought that was the way to keep myself out of trouble. Thankfully, that proved impossible. Suppressing so much of myself made me unwell and working through my illness ended up opening up my intuition yet again. After that I knew I realised it was part of my integrity and I had to find a way to become aligned to it. Fractology was the result of doing that.
So in a very real sense my work grew out of what got me into trouble when I was a kid, and it was also my way of getting myself out of trouble. There’ll always be people who doubt you, either because they don’t get it themselves or because they listen too much to limitations or perhaps even because they’d be scared to go where you go. But they’re not you. If it’s your genius, if it’s a part of you that won’t be silenced or that trying to live without it is making you miserable, stop fighting it. Learn how to lean into it and trust it.
The process of developing conscious intuition opens the connection to the individual genius of each of us. Your genius is waiting for you to discover it, if you haven’t already, and you’ll find lots of tools to do that in The Soul’s Brain. Goethe wrote about commitment: Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Understand the only thing you can truly commit to is your own integrity because everything else will create an internal conflict which, in time, will cause you to draw back from it.
So commit to being Who You Truly Are. Not only will you live a life more fulfilled, but you’ll have more success and more joy to boot.
We’re nearly halfway through our interview so it’s a great time to ask how does your business run. What three tools make your business run better?
Zoom is an essential tool for training and coaching worldwide today. It’s given even my local clients more options. There are advantages to coming into the clinic and working with me in person but working on zoom can save them travel time. It also means they can continue to work with me if they’ve got quarantining issues. I also use YouTube. I’ve got two YouTube channels. The first has educational material about Fractology itself, so that’s the Fractology channel. You’ll find it under Dr Catherine Wilkins, The Institute of Fractology.
The other one is more me chatting about all different aspects of Living Intuitively. That’s a more active channel with a video being uploaded every week. We’re dedicated to raising awareness of the skill-set of conscious intuition and integrity so for us it’s important to grow this channel. As part of that we’ve started to do more work with Instagram.
That’s been particularly important since Hay House published The Soul’s Brain because it’s important to get the word out. I’ve heard from so many readers about how that book has supported them and changed their lives and Instagram is helping me connect to more of my readers, but between training and clinic, as well producing videos and writing, my time is pretty limited for participating in social media so having Sarah Lloyd of onboard is a great help. She takes a lot of that load off.
What do you know now that you wished you had known before?
I’m one of those terrible people who will often flick to the end of a novel to find out if I want to keep reading it or not. If I don’t like the ending I give myself complete permission to put the book aside. I know a lot of people hate spoilers, and I get that, but for me purpose and intention are so important so I want to know if I can get onboard even with the purpose of a story.
Although don’t do that with The Soul’s Brain because that’s not a story book anyway. It’s a book to help you figure out your own story. They say it’s the journey not the destination, but if the journey’s taking you somewhere you don’t want to go why would you take it? Now I know that doing that won’t work for a lot of people. Which is actually the point. You want to do things the way they work for you. Not just what works for you but how it works for you.
Doing your thing your way is the best way to go about anything, and it’s the only way you can get through life’s challenges in a self-nurturing way. I wasted so much time and effort, years even, trying to do things other people’s way. A lot of that was because I hadn’t figured out what my way was but putting in the time to get to know my own personal what and how was the best life-investment I ever made.
If I could go back and give that awareness to myself as a small child I would. And if I could change something about the education in our world I would set up a training that would help kids work out their what and how in primary school.
What has been your greatest or proudest achievement or moment?
I should say when Hay House published The Soul’s Brain, shouldn’t I? But actually my proudest achievements are my students. It’s one thing for me to use my conscious intuition to get great results for clients. That’s cool and very satisfying and my clients are grateful, but being able to train others to take their intuition to a level of conscious awareness where they have complete self-certainty in their ability to produce results in their way using their conscious intuition, well, nothing beats that.
The standard of professional work is the capacity for your peers to be able to review your work and also an ability to build up a common body of knowledge. Fractologists are able to do that. We all perceive the fractal differently but we can also perceive which part of the fractal we’re each working with as well as its results. If you want to know more about that, the principles of Fractology are outlined in The Soul’s Brain. My work has lifted intuition to a level of true professionalism and I’m so proud of that. I now get to experience the evidence of that every couple of years.
We have a biennial Fractology Summit where all those who’ve developed their conscious intuition to the point that they’ve attained fractal perception get together and teach each other through sharing their own experiences, but we do it through conscious intuition which means we all get to experience the learning directly.
It’s the one time we get to hang out with others who can operate on that same level of conscious intuition and the summit papers are building up a common body of knowledge. It’s really cool. That shared professionalism also means the work now has effects that go way beyond me, and the ripples keep growing.
I’m now in the process of developing the Master Training or teacher training. Once there are more teachers out there the work will accelerate, but the coolest thing of all is that the same quality of work will be maintained. That’s such a buzzy feeling knowing that that’s the case.
What future life goals do you want to achieve and why?
Complete the teacher training. When that’s done it means I’ve succeeded in my life’s goal of making myself redundant. None of us are completely free until we’re redundant. It also means the work will have gotten so much bigger than me, which means it’ll carry on whether I’m around or not. That’s so cool to know that. As a support to that, I want to get more of the training online. That’ll create a central reference place for the training materials.
I hope that the professionalism I’ve created will continue to grow and expand, which means the training materials will change over time. With other teachers out there, having a central point from which we can all download standardised training material means we’ll be able to maintain more consistency in the work.
To finish our inspire questions…”We believe that sharing inspiring words can inspire others.” If there was one positive thing you would say to someone to inspire and empower them what would it be and why?
Whatever you do, do it as a direct expression of Who You Truly Are because that way you can’t lose. It may not work out exactly as you’d hoped but when you work from your own essence the very least you’re left with is a stronger sense of self and greater personal understanding, which means whatever you do next will have a greater chance of succeeding in the world.
Moreover, when you live all the different aspects of your life as a direct expression of Who You Truly Are it’s much easier to avoid burnout and maintain life-balance because everything in your life has an internal alignment which means each of aspect of your life will give your energy for the other aspects of your life. I could say a whole lot more but you can read all about it in The Soul’s Brain.
“Thank you it has been great learning more about your founder story and The Institute of Fractology Pty. Ltd.”
To learn more about The Institute of Fractology Pty. Ltd. Visit
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